How to Stop a Dog Pulling on Leash When Walking

Why Dogs Pull on Leashes

My dog was a lurcher

He loved to hunt and explore. He spent 98% of his life off a lead. Growing up on a farm gave him lots of freedom so putting him on a leash for a dog walk on the beach was an interesting experience!


Sometimes dogs pull on the leash because they’re anxious or scared, trying to get away from something that scares them or towards something that makes them feel safer. By understanding why dogs pull on the leash we can address the root of the problem and use the right training techniques.

What You’ll Need for Loose Leash Walking

Snippet my lurcher

Over time, Snippet my lurcher got used to dog walking on a leash, we rewarded him for good behavior and slowly he never pulled, the important thing we learned was to walk with him to things he took interest in.
Now and again he would pull to sniff something and I would allow him to walk closer, I wouldn’t do it all the time and the point was a little freedom in the start helped him get used to the lead and understand it wasn’t always a bad thing, it was associated with treats.
Snippet and Josh (Author)

Training Techniques to Stop Your Dog Pulling

The Stop-and-Go Method


Preparation is key, choose a quiet area with minimal distractions. When you start your walk and your dog pulls stop immediately.

The Turnaround Technique

Loose leash

This will teach your dog that following you and having a loose leash means good things. Practice this technique throughout your walk. Every time your dog pulls turn around. Over time your dog will pay more attention to your movements and stay closer to you.

Rewarding Good Leash Manners – Great tool!

Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the key to teaching your dog to walk nicely. Whenever your dog walks with a slack leash reward them with treats and praise.

Distraction Training

High value treats

Use high value treats to get your dog’s attention. Hold a treat in front of your dog’s nose and slowly bring it up to your face while saying “look” or “watch me”. When your dog makes eye contact reward them with the treat.

Reward them for focusing on you not the distraction. Consistently practicing attention commands in different environments will help learn to focus on you even in distractions.

Advanced Tips for Persistent Pullers

Professional trainer

If your dog still pulls despite your efforts, seek help from a professional trainer. A trainer will create a training plan specific to your dog’s needs.

Keeping Good Leash Manners

Making it a Positive Walk

Positive Walk

Making a walk positive goes beyond just stopping your dog from pulling. It’s about making walks enjoyable and enriching for your dog.

Training exercises

Training exercises like practicing commands like “sit,” “stay,” “come” will keep your dog mentally engaged. Use toys or play games like fetch during your walk to add some fun. Use walks to bond with your dog. Engage with them, talk to them and make it enjoyable.


Your Dog’s Body Language

Body Language

If your dog is stressed, you need to address the underlying issue not just the pulling behaviour. Knowing when your dog is excited will help you manage their behaviour.

Professional Dog Trainers


Trainers will provide expert guidance and help you understand and address the underlying causes of your dog’s pulling behaviour. Working with a trainer will give you ongoing support and accountability so you can stay consistent with your training.

Training Equipment

Training a Puppy to Walk on a Leash

Patience and Consistency

Training doesn’t stop

Training doesn’t stop once your dog learns to walk nicely on a leash. Continuous learning and reinforcement of good behaviour is key to maintaining leash manners.


Josh (Author) Eve and Bertie on her lap!

Hope that helps! Reach out if you have any questions or need more help. Let’s help each other out and raise happy dogs! 🐾