How to Stop Your Dog Chewing His Bed

How to Stop Your Dog Chewing His Bed

The Destruction Dilemma

The Chewing Behaviour

Why They Chew

Just like human babies, pups go through teething and chew to relieve discomfort. Providing chew toys can help manage this natural behaviour.

Dogs with excess energy and not enough mental and physical stimulation will chew to pass the time.

Dogs sometimes show chewing behavior as a coping mechanism for stress, often caused by separation from their owners or loud noises.

Sometimes dogs will chew on inappropriate items because they’re hungry or missing key nutrients in their diet.

Underlying health issues like gastrointestinal problems can also cause increased chewing.

Eve lifted the Duvet to get this image of Dizzy and Cooper!

Boredom and Lack of Stimulation

Mental Stimulation

Engaging your dog’s mind is just as important as physical exercise. Puzzle toys, training sessions and interactive dog toys that dispense treats will keep their brains busy. Regular training sessions will not only provide stimulation but also strengthen the bond between you and your dog.

Physical Stimulation

A dog with excess energy will chew on inappropriate items. Make sure your dog gets regular exercise suited to their breed and energy level. For high energy breeds this might mean long walks, runs or even agility training.

Anxiety and Stress

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This is Bertie

Hunger and Nutritional Deficiencies

How to Stop Chewing & Dogs Chew Toys.

Provide Appropriate Chew Toys

Giving your dogs appropriate chew toys will redirect their chewing away from their bed. Toys like indestructible dog chews and interactive dog toys will keep them busy and satisfy their need to chew.

Chew Toys: Choose durable and safe chews. Brands like Kong and Nylabone are good options. Make sure the toys are suitable for your dog’s size and chewing strength.

Interactive Dog Toys: that dispense treats or require problem solving will engage your dog’s mind and keep them busy for longer. These are great for dogs that need stimulation to prevent boredom.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Daily Walks and Play: Make sure your dog gets enough physical activity. A tired pup won’t chew. Exercise is essential to burn off energy.

Training Sessions: Engage your dog’s brain with training exercises. This is a great way to bond and tire them out mentally. Training will also set new boundaries and stop destructive behaviour.

Mental Stimulation

Interactive Play

Games like hide and seek where you hide treats or toys and let your dog find them are very engaging. Another fun game is teaching your dog the names of their toys and asking them to fetch specific ones.

Below is a link to another Blog i wrote that has gained a lot of interest!

Create a Safe Space – Dog beds

Comfortable Bedding: Choose a chew proof bed or a bed made from durable materials. This will withstand their chewing and be comfortable. Some owners opt for indestructible dog beds to prevent destruction.

Safe Space: Place the bed in a safe quiet corner where your dog feels safe. This will reduce anxiety driven chewing. Consider the placement of the bed to avoid outside noise that might stress your dog.

This is Toby, our cousins dog wrapped in a blanket, woke him up trying to take a photo!

Advanced Tips to Create a Safe Space

Separation Anxiety

If your dogs chewing is driven by separation anxiety you need to address this underlying issue.
Gradual Desensitisation: Get your dog used to being alone for short periods and gradually increase the time. This will make them feel more comfortable and less anxious when you’re not around.
Comfort Items: Leave an item with your scent like an old t-shirt in their bed so they have comfort when you’re away. This will help calm their anxiety.

Handling Separation Anxiety Deep Dive

Checklist: Your Dog’s Needs Met

Appropriate Chew Toys: Durable and safe ones that suit your dog’s size and chewing strength.

Regular Exercise: Daily walks, playtime and mental challenges.

Comfortable Bed: A chew proof or indestructible dog bed in a quiet safe corner.

Separation Anxiety Solutions: Gradual desensitization and comfort items with your scent.

Top Tips to Stop Dog Bed Chewing

Identify the Cause: Understanding why your dog chews their bed is the first step to solving the problem. Whether it’s boredom, anxiety or teething, identifying the root cause will help you choose the right solution.

Choose the Right Bed: Get a biting proof dog bed or one made of durable materials. These beds are designed to withstand your dog’s chewing and scratching. Look for beds with reinforced seams and heavy duty fabrics.

Provide Plenty of Chew Toys: Redirect your dog’s chewing to the right items. Make sure they have a variety of chew toys available at all times. Rotate the toys regularly to keep your dog interested.

Other Useful Tips

Stimulation: Engage your dog’s brain with puzzles, training sessions and interactive play. A mentally stimulated dog is less likely to resort to destructive behaviour.

Safe and Comfortable Space: Make sure your dog’s bed is in a quiet, safe area of the house. This will reduce stress and anxiety which are common causes of chewing. Adding familiar items with your scent will also provide comfort.

Anxiety Issues

If your dog’s chewing is due to anxiety, work on gradual desensitization. Leave them alone for short periods and gradually increase the time. Provide comfort items and use calming aids.

Deterrents: Commercial deterrent sprays can make the bed less appealing to chew. These sprays have a bitter taste that will deter chewing without harming your dog.

Train and Reward Good Behaviour: Positive reinforcement works wonders. Reward your dog for chewing on the right items and gently redirect them if they start chewing their bed. Consistency is key to reinforcing good behaviour.

Get Professional Help if Needed: If your dog’s chewing persists after trying these tips, consult a professional dog trainer or behaviourist. They can provide customised solutions and advice for your dog’s specific needs.

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The End part