Step by Step Puppy Training – New puppy owners guide

Step by Step Puppy Training – New puppy owners guide

Preparing Your Home for a New Puppy

Puppy Proofing Basics

Creating a Safe Space

Potty Area

Crate Training

Crate trained is great to give your puppy a understanding of your house. Think of the crate as your puppy’s den—a place they can retreat and feel safe.

Choosing the Right Crate and playpen

Introducing the Crate

Crate Training Challenges

Separation anxiety

Some puppies can get separation anxiety when left alone in the crate. To help with this try to make your departures and arrivals low key so you don’t create anxiety around these times.

Potty Training

Potty training is one of the most important parts of puppy training. Consistency and patience is key to good potty habits.

Establish a Routine

Handling Potty Accidents

enzymatic cleaner

To clean up accidents use an enzymatic cleaner designed for pet stains. These cleaners break down the organic matter in urine and feces and eliminate the odors that will attract your puppy back to the same spot.
Regular household cleaners may not remove the scent completely so it’s worth investing in a good pet specific cleaner.

Using Pee Pads and Litter Boxes

Snippet and Josh (Author)

Creating a Comfortable Sleeping Area

Choosing a Dog Bed

Durable materials

If your puppy tends to chew on things choose a bed made from durable materials that can withstand some rough handling. If your puppy has orthopedic issues or is a large breed prone to joint problems consider an orthopedic bed with extra support.

Establishing a Sleep Routine

Training Your Puppy

Basic Commands


Training Tools

Consistency and Patience

Handling Common Issues

Common Issues

Every new puppy comes with issues. Addressing these early on will prevent long term problems.

Separation Anxiety

Chewing and Nipping

Eve’s Rottweiler

Eve’s Rottweiler, dizzy had abit of a chewing phase. She seemed to want to chew on everything, from shoes to furniture. They invested in lots of chew toys and made sure to keep anything tempting out of her reach.
Whenever They caught her chewing on something she shouldn’t be, they would redirect her to a toy and praise her for chewing on it instead. Over time Dizzy learned what was acceptable to chew on and our house was safe from her strong teeth.

Health and Nutrition

Feeding Your Puppy

Vet Visits

Enrichment and Play

Interactive Toys



Your Puppy

Bringing Your Puppy Home to the Family

Bringing a young puppy home is more than just setting up their space. Introducing them to the family including other pets is part of their socialisation.

Meeting the Family

Other Pets

Cooper and Dizzy

Puppy Schedule

Daily Routine

A typical daily schedule for a young puppy might look like:

  • Morning: Wake up, potty breaks, breakfast, short play.

  • Mid-Morning: Potty break, training, nap time.

  • Afternoon: Potty break, lunch, longer play.

  • Evening: Potty break, dinner, play.

  • Night: Final potty break and bedtime routine.


Travel and Outings with Your Puppy

Not a puppy, but great photo of Bertie and Josh (Author) and Eve.

Car Travel

Public Places

Snippet on his favourite beach

Puppy Training Classes

Benefits of Training Classes

Choosing a Trainer

Continuing Education

Advanced Commands

Ongoing Socialisation

This will prevent behavioural issues and ensure your dog remains well adjusted and confident. Join group activities such as dog sports, obedience classes or community events to keep your dog socialised and mentally stimulated.

Behavioural Issues

Professional Help


Milestones to Celebrate


Popcorn, our new puppy


  1. Stay Informed: Continue to learn about puppy care and training. There are many books, online courses and community forums to help you.

  2. Join a Community: Connect with other puppy owners at local dog parks, training classes or online communities. Sharing is caring.

  3. Be Patient: Training takes time. Be patient with your puppy and yourself. Celebrate the small wins and learn from the losses.

  4. Enjoy the Ride: Puppyhood is a once in a lifetime experience. Enjoy the journey and the time you spend with your new fur baby.