Training Scents for Dogs: Best Nose Work Games!

How a Dog’s Nose Works

Scent Training Benefits

  • Mental Stimulation: Dogs are food motivated, scent training challenges a dog’s brain, it’s mental exercise. This can help reduce boredom and prevent destructive behaviour from lack of mental stimulation.
  • Physical Exercise: Many scent games involve movement, it’s physical exercise. Good for high energy dogs that need an outlet for their energy.
  • Stress Relief: Scent work can be calming for dogs. It allows them to use their natural instincts which can reduce anxiety and relax.
  • Confidence Building: Finding hidden scents can boost a dog’s confidence. Good for shy or anxious dogs that need to build self esteem.
  • Bonding: Scent training strengthens the bond between you and your dog. Working together on scent games creates positive interactions and reinforces trust.

Start Scent Training

Scent Games for Dogs

This is a great game for dogs new to scent training. It’s easy, fun and requires minimal setup.

  • How to Play: Place a few treats in plain sight around the room while your dog watches. Give your dog the cue “find it” and let them search for the treats. As your dog gets better at this game hide the treats in more challenging locations.

  • Tips for Success: Use small high value treats your dog loves. Start with easy hiding spots and gradually make them more difficult.

Scent trails are a great way to use your dog’s tracking instincts and provide mental and physical exercise.

  • How to lay a Scent Trail: Choose an area with minimal distractions. Rub a scent item (treat or favourite toy) along the ground to create a trail. Lead the trail to a hidden location and place the scented item or reward.

  • Guiding Your Dog: Start at the beginning of the trail and give your dog the cue “find it”. Encourage them to follow the scent trail to the hidden reward. Use a leash initially to guide your dog and prevent them from wandering off the trail.

  • Increasing Difficulty: As your dog gets better create longer and more complex trails. Add turns, varying terrain and different environments to challenge your dog’s tracking.

The shell game is a great way to challenge your dog’s mind and scent detection.

  • How to Play: Place three cups or containers upside down in a row. Show your dog a treat and place it under one of the cups. Shuffle the cups around while your dog watches then encourage them to find the hidden treats by pawing or nosing the correct cup.

  • Tips for Success: Start with minimal shuffling and increase the difficulty as your dog gets better. Always reward your dog for finding the correct cup.

This game helps dogs distinguish between different scents and improve their senses.

  • How to Play: Choose several items with different scents (toys or pieces of cloth). Place the items in a row and hide a treat under one of them. Encourage your dog to find the item with the treat.

  • Tips for Success: Use strong scents to start with and gradually introduce similar scents.

This classic game is fun and reinforces your dog’s recall and scent tracking.

  • How to Play: Have your dog sit and stay while you hide in your house or yard. Once hidden call your dog’s name and encourage them to find you. Reward with treats and praise when they find you.

  • Tips for Success: Start with easy hiding spots and increase the difficulty. Use verbal cues if your dog can’t find you.

Scent Work in Your Daily Life



A few repetitions of this daily and even older dogs will expect to have a daily challenge while your out of the house, remember to not use the same toy every time. I have found this to be a real help for dog owners out of the house!

Weekend Adventures


Frequently Asked Questions about Scent Training

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