Why Is My Dog Scared Of Other Dogs

Why Is My Dog Afraid Of Other Dogs?

Your Dog’s Fear

Fear in dogs can come from many sources. Just like humans, dogs are a product of their experiences and environment. Here are some reasons why your dog might be afraid of other dogs:

Early Life

Dizzy with Eve (Co Author)

Past Trauma

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No Socialisation

Dogs that don’t get regular exposure to other dogs can develop social anxiety. If a dog spends most of its time at home without meeting other dogs they might see other dogs as unknown threats. A lack of socialisation can make a dog afraid of other dogs especially in new or uncontrolled environments like dog parks.

Genetic predisposition

Reading Your Dog’s Body Language

A tucked tail is a dead giveaway of fear. It’s like a neon sign flashing “I’m scared!”

When a dog’s ears are back it means anxiety and discomfort.

Lowering their body or crouching means your dog feels threatened.

Dogs that avoid eye contact are showing submission and trying to avoid conflict.

Vocalizations are a way for dogs to express fear and unease.

Helping Your Dog Overcome Their Fear

Monty and Pip in the garden

Gradual Exposure To The Other Dog

Positive Reinforcement

Dizzy at the beach

Professional Dog Trainer

Controlled Environment

Building Confidence

Socialization Classes

Understanding Your Dog’s Threshold

Don’t Force Interactions – Is Your Dog Fearful Of Other Dogs?


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